A Compassionate Approach to Psychological Services for your Family

In-Person Services in Orlando; Online Therapy throughout Florida

Lighthouse Psychology is a small, boutique practice in Orlando dedicated to quality evaluations and treatment.

Professional answers to your most important questions. Pinpoint the problem and determine how to help.


Ditch the worry, give yourself the gift of therapy. I help young people develop the confidence they need to thrive. 

Feel sturdy in your parenting using practical, evidence-based strategies. More connection, less stress.

Specialized high-quality evaluations in a safe and comfortable environment.

If you are a parent considering an evaluation for your child, you have come to the right place.

Before their child’s evaluation, my clients felt helpless watching their child struggle. They knew their child needed more support, but were unsure why and did not know where to focus their efforts. A thorough evaluation paints a picture of your child as a unique individual, highlighting where they shine, and also where they support is needed. Most importantly, a quality child evaluation lets their team know how to help.

I would be honored to work alongside your family to find answers and build understanding to help your child succeed.

a teenage girl taking a selfie photo with her mom

In therapy, I help young people ditch the constant overwhelm and build a more peaceful future.

Despite being high-achieving, thoughtful, and driven, life feels hard.  When they first come in, my clients feel stretched too-thin, anxious, and exhausted. They spend a lot of time worrying about whether they are doing enough and can’t shake the feeling that they are falling short. They may look like they have it all together on the outside, but inside they are struggling.

a young woman smiling calmly and confidently

Like my clients, you or your child deserves calm and confidence.

Therapy provides a place to better understand yourself, build healthy relationships, and learn to navigate the hard things in life. I help young people who feel controlled by their emotions find their way to more calm, confidence, and connection. Life can feel fulfilling again.

Things can be different than they are today.

Let’s Connect

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. It is important you feel comfortable with your provider and that we are a good match to work together.